Friday, May 20, 2011

Bowling for Columbine. Bowling for the Apocalypse.

Much has changed since the last post.  Bin laden has been found and killed.  Prince William has bagged a wife.  My car can now move without a blow job.

Its no secret to those I know that I've recently indulged in more than a few sessions of self pity. 

"i'm tired of blowing", "its draining my bank", "ive been punished enough"

Well on the weekend those whingeing sobs were silenced to a whisper.  

Florence and I volunteered on Saturday morning to help run a social function organised by the DSVClub 21 at Rockstar Bowling in Melbourne Central. 

It seemed silly to dwell on my own drink-driving restrictions after meeting a group of young adults whose physical restrictions will not disappear after a magistrate says so.
It's interesting to note that despite these physical restrictions of the Club 21 members, *Milly still managed to smash my bowling score.  And for the record, yes I was trying. Milly's secret lies in her unique style of delivery.  I think she works at Chunky Move?

Each member had some interesting idiosyncrasies, like an action hero.  There was strong-man *Thor who warned all those present, "I am powerful".  There was *Thunderbolt, who (initially had doubters like myself wondering if he was ever going to release the ball), made sure that each release came at ya with a crack of thunder (and a weakened internal structural wall). 

And then there was *Storm. 

Storm just couldn't put those bowling shoes on and had a precipitous break down and burst into tears.  It wasn't until I turned around and saw them, that I understood why.  They were tacky, fluro and so worn-through that I was confused about which hole to put her foot through.  It seemed odd that her pair were so dire when I loved my red and blue lace-ups so much that I would happily wear them both at a bowling lane and a laneway bar.

Prada released a pair of men's black bowling shoes with toggle closures in 2000, (that my dear friend Robert still wears today), along with the now ubiquitous woman's bowling bag that first launched Prada's stronghold on the international designer shoe market. 

Some more recent examples of bowling-inspired design are these mens shoes by Opening Ceremony with an interesting juxtaposition of flannel wool and leather materials.

Here is a more conservative spin on the bowling theme from Opening Ceremony.

During our bowling session, there were some interesting 80's music videos and advertisements played out on the plasma screens, dangling above each bowling lane. 
One memorable image included a Mayan Doomsday calendar, counting down from 152 days, when the apocalypse will spell d.e.a.t.h. to us all.

If the mayans are to be believed, i'm interested to hear what you have on your bucket lists?

At the top of my list is writing the next blog...

the EDITer .
*names have been changed to protect the identity of the Club21 members.

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